If you are brave enough to learn the truth about child welfare fraud in Afghanistan, funded by and through the U.S. State Department under the leadership of Hillary Clinton, using UNICEF and USAID money to set up a foster care and adoption system that established the trafficking of boys, then, please, continue.
If you think I am just full of shit, then may the gods have mercy upon your souls for allowing this to happen by ignoring the blood curdeling screams of children, who were lucky enought not to be murdered, suicided or drugged to a life of incapacitation of being lab rats for major pharmaceutical corporations, billed to Medicaid, in the U.S. foster care and adoption system.
These operations of trafficking tiny humans fund political campaigns, all around the world, supporting political candidates, for the highest and lowest offices in a nation.
These operations are run this under the guise of the Clinton Foundation and Gates Foundation, UNICEF, USAID and Department of Defense.
The little girls are sold off through human trafficking to the U.S. and its other foreign natinoal strongholds around the world into a very short life of human servitude, which includes being forced to manufacture more tiny humans to traffic, more readily understood as "rape and harvest", or the acquisition of goods, where the money is typically laundered through NGOs.
Children are human captial to be financially leveraged and sold for profit, through the eyes of the tax exempt god because no one cares.
They call the operation of snatching the little girls' babies Child Protective Services, in the best interests of the child, because in international adoptions, the child fetches $13,400 a year in tax incentives, not to mention the tax exempt trust funds, but can fetch an even heartier price if the baby is sold for snuff films.
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction: Child Sexual Assaultin Afghanistan: Implemtation of the Leahy Laws and Reports of Assaults by Afghan Security Forces
Online porn, mostly through Twitter, is an international marketing operation, left untouched by law enforcement because it is a private organization, with lots of legal barriers to make it stop.
Yes, this also happens in the U.S. because the Child Protective Services model originated in Michigan, right here in Detroit.
I will not mention to what happens to the other tiny humans at this time; I prefer to wait for the next DoD report.
Just remember, these Special Forces are privatized.
This is one of the first audits coming out of the Department of Defense and its child welfare
operations. The pdf is locked so you have to click here ===> Special Inspector General for AfghanistanReconstruction: Child Sexual Assault in Afghanistan: Implemtation of theLeahy Laws and Reports of Assaults by Afghan Security Forces.
If you have made it this far, and actually care to finally learn the truth about what the U.S. does to children in poverty, the very children they have intentionally made poor through sardonic, fraudulent policies, I have, also, provided links, directly below.
You Do Know The Department Of Defense Is Involved In Child Welfare Fraud, Right?
Department of Defense Shows Lack of Regulation in Child Welfare System
The CIA Origin Of Medicaid Fraud In Child Welfare
USAID Afghanistan Child Welfare System Failed, Just Like U.S.
Bill Schuette, Detroit Land Bank Authority, U.S. Department of Defense & Fraud: Part I
"Hey Trey, What Are They Doing With All That Money?"
Selling Little Afghanistan Boys: UNICEF, Clinton Foundation, USAID
#MeToo Can children use this, too?
To our brave men and women of the armed forces around the world and parents who crumbled into the tormented depths of an economic hell of being ridiculed as a social pariah, to those who lost their lives reporting and trying to stop the trafficking of tiny humans around the world and the parents who lost all hope in trying to save their children, and to the spirits of those who were slaughtered protecting the best interests of the future of humanity, I humbly bow to you, for I am the original source.
Before you are a man, you are a child.
Afghan Pedophiles Get Free Pass From U.S. Military, Report Says
Afghan Pedophiles Get Free Pass From U.S. Military, Report Says
A former Special Forces officer, Capt. Dan Quinn, was relieved of his command and pulled from Afghanistan after fighting with an Afghan militia commander for keeping a boy as a sex slave.
On 5,753 occasions from 2010 to 2016, the United States military reported accusations of “gross human rights abuses” by the Afghan military, including many examples of child sexual abuse. If true, American law required military aid to be cut off to the offending unit.
Not once did that happen.
That was among the findings in an investigation into child sexual abuse by the Afghan security forces and the supposed indifference of the American military to the problem, according to a report released on Monday by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction, known as Sigar.
The report, commissioned under the Obama administration, was considered so explosive that it was originally marked “Secret/ No Foreign,” with the recommendation that it remain classified until June 9, 2042. The report was finished in June 2017, but it appears to have included data only through 2016, before the Trump administration took office.
The report released on Monday was heavily redacted, and at least in the public portions it did little to answer questions about how prevalent child sexual abuse was in the Afghan military and police, and how commonly the American military looked the other way at the widespread practice of bacha bazi, or “boy play,” in which some Afghan commanders keep underage boys as sex slaves.
“Although DOD and State have taken steps to identify and investigate child sexual assault incidents, the full extent of these incidences may never be known,” the report said, referring to the departments of Defense and State.
Sigar said it had opened an investigation into bacha bazi at the request of Congress and in response to a 2015 New York Times article that described the practice as “rampant.” The article said that American soldiers who complained had their careers ruined by their superiors, who had encouraged them to ignore the practice.
“DOD and State only began efforts to address this issue after it was raised by The New York Times,” said John F. Sopko, the special inspector general. “And even after that story, the sufficiency of policies they’ve put in place and the resources they’ve committed seem questionable. When Congress passed the Leahy laws they prioritized the issue of gross human rights violations. As our report clearly shows, both agencies failed to live up to that task.”
A former Special Forces officer, Capt. Dan Quinn, who beat up an Afghan commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave, said at the time that he had been relieved of his command as a result. “We were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did,” said Captain Quinn, who has left the military.
Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a highly decorated Green Beret, was forced out of the military after beating up an Afghan local police commander in Kunduz who was a child rapist. Sergeant Martland became incensed after the Afghan commander abducted the boy, raped him, then beat up the boy’s mother when she tried to rescue him. Congressional inquiries apparently led to Sergeant Martland’s reinstatement.
Gregory Buckley Sr., whose son Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. was killed after complaining that an Afghan commander had a retinue of “bacha bazi” boys.Kirsten Luce for The New York Times
The Times article also cited the suspicious death of Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr., a United States Marine who was killed at a checkpoint where he was stationed with a notorious commander who had a retinue of bacha bazi boys. Corporal Buckley had complained about that commander and was killed, along with two other Marines, by one of the commander’s boys.
The Sigar report made no mention of the cases of Corporal Buckley, Captain Quinn or Sergeant Martland, and it appeared to have interviewed only three unnamed American soldiers who reported being aware of the practice, which many soldiers and Afghan officials have told journalists they know to be widespread.
As of Aug. 12, 2016, the Defense Department was investigating 75 instances of gross human rights violations, seven involving child sexual assault, but even Defense Department officials acknowledged that that was a small portion of the total, the Sigar report said.
Under the Leahy Law, United States military aid funds must be cut off to any foreign military unit implicated in gross human rights violations, which includes the practice of bacha bazi, with its enslavement and rape of young boys. But another provision of American law, called the “notwithstanding clause,” says that Afghan military aid should be available “notwithstanding any other provision of law.”
The Sigar report said that the “notwithstanding clause” had been used repeatedly to evade cutting off military aid to Afghan units.
“DOD’s continuing to provide assistance to units for which the department has credible information of a gross violation of human rights undermines efforts by U.S. government officials to engage with the Afghan government on the importance of respect for human rights and rule of law,” the report said. But it also said no evidence had been found that American soldiers were ordered to look the other way as a matter of policy, or that their commanders condoned the bacha bazi practice.
American military commanders in Afghanistan have repeatedly denied that there was any policy to condone child sexual abuse.
The Sigar report recommended restricting the use of that “notwithstanding clause” to evade the provisions of the Leahy Law, and a draft defense appropriations bill supports that recommendation.
The practice is so widespread that at least one of the 2014 Afghan presidential candidates was a onetime C.I.A.-backed warlord, Gul Agha Shirzai, who was widely accused of being a pedophile who keeps bacha bazi boys.
President Ashraf Ghani vowed to end the practice in a 2015 speech, but there have been few, if any, prosecutions by the Afghan authorities for bacha bazi practices. Mr. Shirzai is now the minister of border and tribal affairs in Mr. Ghani’s government.
Have a great day!
U.S. v Dyncorp International LLC False Claims Act Complaint 7-16-2016 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
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