This is rather an interesting angle taken by the Independent Democratic Conference.  Now let's see them do a report of the various types of fraud schemes in the New York Office of Children and Family Services.

Independent Democratic Conference: OT, Workers Comp Woes At Children And Family Services

idc logo 1-24-2011 4-48-02 PM.jpgThe Office of Children and Family Services has increased overtime costs and experienced a drastic spike in worker's comp claims, the Senate's breakawayIndependent Democratic Conference says in a new report.
The numbers come as the overall number of youths under OCFS supervision has decreased from 983 during this beginning of the 2009-2010 fiscal year to roughly 700 currently.
Said state Sen. Jeff Klein, “There is no good reason why costs and workplace violence are rising, while the numbers of youths under OCFS supervision are falling. Gov. Cuomo has made revamping our juvenile justice system a priority. Based on our findings, this reform cannot come soon enough.”
Read the report here or below.
Mayor Bloomberg is pushing for the city to regain more control over its juvenile justice system from the state.

Independent Democratic Conference: Examining Spending at the Office of Children and Family Services, New York


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