To begin, I wish to state that this report does not demonstrate any criminal nor egregious activities by the U.S. Department of Defense in dealing with children.
On the contrary, this report basically shows a snapshot of social stigma for the time.
During the late 1960s, our military men were having kids in Vietnam, but, unfortunately, due to the fact that the U.S. was just beginning to understand the demand for civil rights, these children were not only left behind, but were not considered legitimate because the parents were never married nor would the U.S. recognize marriage with a non-U.S. citizen.
Back home in the U.S. children of unmarried children were often referred to as "bastards" where the mother was shunned by society as being sexually promiscuous in terms like "tramp, whore, floozy, slut, sinner".
When these women would conceive, they would be spirited away to special places to have the child in secret and be forced to put the child up for adoption.
Well, it seems there were brave members of our armed forces and a few bold congressional constituents who stood up and spoke out on caring for their own blood dependents by putting the children through foster care.
Foster children were not recognized as legal dependents to become eligible for medical care.
The amendment to 10 U.S.C. 1972(2) provided for the legal description of a foster child to be a dependent for purposes of accessing medical care, or what would become known as Medicaid.
This action was one of the first major funding mechanisms for the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 (CAPTA).
Always remember, whoever possesses the deed of the property, possesses the right of tax deductions.
Today, we still shun the bastards born out-of-wedlock and the poor by putting the kids in foster care, through tax exempt, Christian, "revenue maximization" organizations and other generic foundations through complex fraud schemes which fund political campaigns.
Today, we still shun the bastards born out-of-wedlock and the poor by putting the kids in foster care, through tax exempt, Christian, "revenue maximization" organizations and other generic foundations through complex fraud schemes which fund political campaigns.
So, in the instance of CAPTA, or rather the public adoption system out of foster care, the state became the holder of the chattel, or rather the legal grant of custody and guardianship through possession of the birth certificate, or rather the state attorney general possessed the powers of parens patriea, better recognized as parental rights.
With these powers of ownership and the Social Security Number of the ward of the state, the States could now bill Medicaid, the largest funding source for foster care.
The CIA has opened up for the first time in history its vault of declassifed material, cherrypicked, of course, but I bet no one thought I would go through the archives for child welfare.
So, without further adieu, welcome to the beginning operations of DynCorp in the U.S. Foster Care System.
CIA Report on Foster Children as Dependents of Military Members 4-24-1968 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
CSC and its partner corporations administers the federal funding for child welfare, operates the child placing agencies and foster care programs, and trains Child Protective Services, maintaining databases of personal and medical information (Medicaid) for biometric purposes in predictive modeling of what they call "behavior".
Databases (SACWIS PRISM) always begin with the kids because no one cares and it is all too small to fail.
Besides, the Greeks started keeping track of its child populations to predict future troop levels; we do it now to build prisons, also.
U.S. SEC Filings on Dyncorp Merger with Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) by Beverly Tran on Scribd
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