Gather round, my Dearies, for the Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed is to tell the yuletide tale of the "Right to Bear Arms".
Once upon a time there were kings and queens who had granted the right to bear arms, under the royal crest in the laws of armory, where arms were a representation of a family legacy, surname, heritage, under consent of the king, to function in what is known as heraldry, the extended appendage of the kingdom.
The right to bear arms, as worded in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with people running around, locked and loaded, with weapons that fall under the scope of what is know as "guns".
There are ancient tales of the court room having tables set an arms length apart, as in a sword, and the bench is the length of a sword, just in case someone was willing to fight to the death for justice, in the preservation of their ethical truths.
It has to do with Voting Rights of the people to say who can represent society, and in the modern day understanding of the Second Amendment, it means more than who can own a gun, because that was all propaganda generated under the Parental Rights Amendment where they equated parental rights with gun rights, which had absolutely nothing to do with owning a gun.
It was about property rights, under chattel law, in the form of UCCs sailing away with our children's trusts by pilfering the national treasuries of world governments, under the fake ass guise of a Public Private Partnership of Corporate Shape Shifters using the Marques of ecclesiastical law, in the promotion of always doing the work of the Lord, the recordkeeper of the land.
The right to bear arms is about genealogy, were families, not necessarily related with any degree of consanguinity, would function as a industrial unit to maintain survival on a legally registered land mass, under the allodial title of the kingdom by registering the family crest.
Now, we go DNA daatabases.
The family crest would contain the lineage of the family
Now, we have arms of dominion and sovereignty.
Arms are also bestowed upon elected officials through the Scrivener, the Scribe, more readily recognized as the Notary, granted powers of verification and nullification of the official record of the genealogy of the state, in the Repository of the Great Seal, the official arm as the keeper of the record, which records the grant of the right to bear arms as holder of public office.
Now, we have the affidavit in the form of a social media post, which must be held to the same standards as any other individual right to vote, or rather bear witness to frauds, attached to the ethical and/or commercial arms, both hands and feet of the supreme body of jurisprudence, under the exact same penalty of criminal or civil laws.
In essence, if you lie, you need to be held accountable.
Violence is economic, financial, physical, or any other form of which corrupts the annals of history.
The same applies to propaganda, a violent act upon the public that harms the children's trust, all forms of it... in elections, in politics, in finance, in marketing, in law (ooooooo... I am going to be busy, busy, busy on this one. The Madame Maura Corrigan was super busy legislating from the bench all over the place. NOTE TO SELF: BUY MORE BLEACH AND RUBBER GLOVES.)
The royal assent, or in this modern understanding, the elected official, could be challenged in the itinerant court, or in the higher court of the Magnum Concillium, better recognized as the Supreme Court, through the process of the royal veto, which is the Court of Arms, or better recognized, but probably not, as the Electoral College or rather the College of Arms.
Contained within the Electoral College are the State and County Boards of Canvassers who advise the Electoral College, like the Pursuviant of the College of Arms.
False advisement, propaganda, is a public fraud because it interferes in elections and I would even go so far to say it is a verifiable form of uttering and publishing the results of an election where the public voice of fraud was ignored.
This is not the best interests of the child.
The Electoral College was based upon the Three Fifths Rule and has never, ever, ever, ever, changed, which is just one example of the residual of the peculiar institution, because it still recognized the right to bear arms, as a corporate instrument of authority to do what they wanted with society, based upon chattel law, where the mechanism to veto the royal assent can be witnessed in the quo warranto.
The Second Amendment is the progenitor of Voting Rights.
See, it goes like this.
There was always an individual who was the one who would voyage under the granted arm, to represent their recorded land, kingdom, country, state, county, city, estate of corporation, on behalf of the people, in the spirit of the best interests of posterity, or, what is omitted from any form of history, the children, in the name of the one who granted the arm.
That individual would be granted a title of nobility, not foreign, but domestic, to protect the public record of the arm, the family, the legacy, the heritage, the lineage, or whatever you wish to call it, in the recording of the birth of tiny humans and land.
The recorded title of each birth and land is a moveable chattel.
The physical building is an immoveable chattel, attached to the land.
The child is attached to the land, in nationality, or, in this instance, in the certification of the birth by the county, the keeper of the record.
The birth of a child (and adult) can be changed, or rather, "born again" through the issuance of a new birth certificate, like what they do in adoption.
The same applies to marriage, or what is known under chattel law as wifery.
The laws regulating a well-armed militia protect Free States, as opposed to the Slave States that readily engaged in the moving of chattels.
Basically, the Second Amendment established regulation of society in various forms to stop stealin' of children, land and votes, because there was now, a well-regulated militia, in the officers of the courts.
The United States has standing armies, conferred upon the right to bear arms, in the Attorneys General and Auditors General, as each division of federalism, the States, have them, and their rank and file of officers called attorneys, of whom must also bear witness to the right to bear arms in nullification of the attorney-client privilege in frauds, as an original source.
This includes the regulation of frauds perpetrated by licensed attorneys who have been grieved by the public and must have their right to bear arms, terminated.
Arms are the powers of law enforcement, to protect the free States, and the right of the people to vote, without interference of election or any other forms of fraud.
These records of birth were maintained under ecclesiastic law, the Canon of chattel law, in vessels that would have the right to bear arms, you know, like ship flag on a manifests of goods.
The birth record was crucial in verifying the allodial title of the moveable chattel, or rather, who owned the person and the personae, or rather, what rights a person held in society, based upon the bipolar scale with endpoints of being free or being enslaved, based upon the concept of civil debt based in property law.
In essence, you cannot vote if you have not been granted the right to bear arms, or rather verified nationality.
Think of the right to bear arms like showing a passport, articles of incorporation, for the right to vote.
Corporations vote, too, you know.
Corporations can also hire militias, or, private armies.
Men at arms came about to be, basically, private armies who would cover up their armor with "coats of arms" so the armor would not rust, because the upper echelon of the arm, or bearers of the family crest, really were not prone to going to war to protect the kingdom, which was the right to their land and profit.
Coats of arms is where a bunch of landowners, granted arms under heraldry law, got together and said, "Hey, why don't we pool our powers and resources to invade stuff by putting them all bunched up into one crest and expand shores to make a bigger kingdom."
This was the time they came up with the Marquee, another vehicle in the right to the royal assent in the acquisition of the granted right to bear arms, or articles of corporation under the Marquis, the Lord of the record under Canon law of chattels, under what is known as commercial law, the Uniform Commercial Code, which is international law.
Maxims of law, based in ecclesiastical law, canons, are different and distinct from commercial laws which is why they are considered to be ethics in truth, the qui tam, as the right to bear witness in Magnum Concillium, the superior spiritual court of the public trust, upon a fraud executed upon the people of land, the kindgdom, by terminating the right to bear arms, the Marque of the state of which the business is incorporated.
The same holds true for the quo warranto, another extraordinary writ to challenge the right to bear arms when questioning what right does one have to hold the Marque of the public office by bearing witness to the frauds of election.
There are no ethics in corporate law which is why they came up with that privatization crap of Social Impact Bonds in their social campaign of corporate responsibility policies of a corporate parent through those fake authorities in Public Private Partnerships.
Maxims of law exist in the form ethics, established by the beliefs of society, corporate law deals in commerce, where the regulation of the two are founded in the due process, which is why there is a right of entry and a right of exist, well established as voting rights in the public courts.
Voting rights are the rights of the people to call out fraud, under the true regulation of a society.
Agape voci.
That is why, in the calling out of frauds (a.k.a. stealin') there must always be the art of consent, the "I do" under that cyclical, perpetual, pareto optimalization, for the greater good of society contract in the children's trusts, our most precious treasures.
It is just a Rousseau thing.
It is not gold; it is the children.
"Before you are a man, you are a child."
That is why the only way to finally address the privateering of our institutions is properly address the residuals of the peculiar institution.
We are not going to cite the commercial codes, common laws, constitutions, public policy, rules or regulations, marked by the right to bear arms in the Great Seals of the U.S., States, Counties or Cities, we are going to testify in the public, under the qui tam, to force these people to bear arms so we can bear witness to the frauds perpetrated upon humanity in the form of war crimes.
If we do cite there authority, we contractually consent to play by their rules and beliefs in commercial law, which nullifies the ethical standing as a whistleblower.
In short, one calls out the frauds perpetrated upon the children's trusts.
The right to bear arms is the sister to the right to bare witness in due process, more intuitively recognized as Voting Rights.
The entire Second Amendment platform to push the industry of guns, was based upon foreign funded propaganda, that all started in the State of Michigan.
Act 209 of 1911
AN ACT to adopt and prescribe the design of a state coat-of-arms and state flag, and their use; to prohibit the use of the same for advertising purposes; to prescribe standards for the manufacture, sale, and display of certain flags of the United States and the state flag; and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials.
History: 1911, Act 209, Eff. Aug. 1, 1911 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 167, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2012
© 2017 Legislative Council, State of Michigan <===where do they always copyright public law?
The People of the State of Michigan enact:
All I am doing right now is sharpening my nails for Laurence Tribe and Janet Napolitano.
Bring it on, Boo Boos.
The moral of the story, once again, "Do not be mean to my Sweetie. Period."
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution 1789 (revised 1992)
Once upon a time there were kings and queens who had granted the right to bear arms, under the royal crest in the laws of armory, where arms were a representation of a family legacy, surname, heritage, under consent of the king, to function in what is known as heraldry, the extended appendage of the kingdom.
rmory is that science of which the rules and the laws govern the use, display, meaning, and knowledge of the pictured signs and emblems appertaining to shield, helmet, or banner. Heraldry has a wider meaning, for it comprises everything within the duties of a herald; and whilst Armory undoubtedly is Heraldry, the regulation of ceremonials and matters of pedigree, which are really also within the scope of Heraldry, most decidedly are not Armory.
"Armory" relates only to the emblems and devices. "Armoury" relates to the weapons themselves as weapons of warfare, or to the place used for the storing of the weapons. But these distinctions of spelling are modern.
The word "Arms," like many other words in the English language, has several meanings, and at the present day is used in several senses. It may mean the weapons themselves; it may mean the limbs upon the human body. Even from the heraldic point of view it may mean the entire achievement, but usually it is employed in reference to the device upon the shield only.
The right to bear arms, as worded in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution has nothing to do with people running around, locked and loaded, with weapons that fall under the scope of what is know as "guns".
There are ancient tales of the court room having tables set an arms length apart, as in a sword, and the bench is the length of a sword, just in case someone was willing to fight to the death for justice, in the preservation of their ethical truths.
It has to do with Voting Rights of the people to say who can represent society, and in the modern day understanding of the Second Amendment, it means more than who can own a gun, because that was all propaganda generated under the Parental Rights Amendment where they equated parental rights with gun rights, which had absolutely nothing to do with owning a gun.
It was about property rights, under chattel law, in the form of UCCs sailing away with our children's trusts by pilfering the national treasuries of world governments, under the fake ass guise of a Public Private Partnership of Corporate Shape Shifters using the Marques of ecclesiastical law, in the promotion of always doing the work of the Lord, the recordkeeper of the land.
The right to bear arms is about genealogy, were families, not necessarily related with any degree of consanguinity, would function as a industrial unit to maintain survival on a legally registered land mass, under the allodial title of the kingdom by registering the family crest.
Now, we go DNA daatabases.
![]() |
The Arm of Congress |
Now, we have arms of dominion and sovereignty.
Arms are also bestowed upon elected officials through the Scrivener, the Scribe, more readily recognized as the Notary, granted powers of verification and nullification of the official record of the genealogy of the state, in the Repository of the Great Seal, the official arm as the keeper of the record, which records the grant of the right to bear arms as holder of public office.
Now, we have the affidavit in the form of a social media post, which must be held to the same standards as any other individual right to vote, or rather bear witness to frauds, attached to the ethical and/or commercial arms, both hands and feet of the supreme body of jurisprudence, under the exact same penalty of criminal or civil laws.
In essence, if you lie, you need to be held accountable.
Violence is economic, financial, physical, or any other form of which corrupts the annals of history.
The same applies to propaganda, a violent act upon the public that harms the children's trust, all forms of it... in elections, in politics, in finance, in marketing, in law (ooooooo... I am going to be busy, busy, busy on this one. The Madame Maura Corrigan was super busy legislating from the bench all over the place. NOTE TO SELF: BUY MORE BLEACH AND RUBBER GLOVES.)
The royal assent, or in this modern understanding, the elected official, could be challenged in the itinerant court, or in the higher court of the Magnum Concillium, better recognized as the Supreme Court, through the process of the royal veto, which is the Court of Arms, or better recognized, but probably not, as the Electoral College or rather the College of Arms.
Contained within the Electoral College are the State and County Boards of Canvassers who advise the Electoral College, like the Pursuviant of the College of Arms.
False advisement, propaganda, is a public fraud because it interferes in elections and I would even go so far to say it is a verifiable form of uttering and publishing the results of an election where the public voice of fraud was ignored.
This is not the best interests of the child.
The Electoral College was based upon the Three Fifths Rule and has never, ever, ever, ever, changed, which is just one example of the residual of the peculiar institution, because it still recognized the right to bear arms, as a corporate instrument of authority to do what they wanted with society, based upon chattel law, where the mechanism to veto the royal assent can be witnessed in the quo warranto.
Michigan Quo Warranto Petit... by on Scribd
The Second Amendment is the progenitor of Voting Rights.
See, it goes like this.
There was always an individual who was the one who would voyage under the granted arm, to represent their recorded land, kingdom, country, state, county, city, estate of corporation, on behalf of the people, in the spirit of the best interests of posterity, or, what is omitted from any form of history, the children, in the name of the one who granted the arm.
That individual would be granted a title of nobility, not foreign, but domestic, to protect the public record of the arm, the family, the legacy, the heritage, the lineage, or whatever you wish to call it, in the recording of the birth of tiny humans and land.
The recorded title of each birth and land is a moveable chattel.
The physical building is an immoveable chattel, attached to the land.
The child is attached to the land, in nationality, or, in this instance, in the certification of the birth by the county, the keeper of the record.
The birth of a child (and adult) can be changed, or rather, "born again" through the issuance of a new birth certificate, like what they do in adoption.
The same applies to marriage, or what is known under chattel law as wifery.

Basically, the Second Amendment established regulation of society in various forms to stop stealin' of children, land and votes, because there was now, a well-regulated militia, in the officers of the courts.
The United States has standing armies, conferred upon the right to bear arms, in the Attorneys General and Auditors General, as each division of federalism, the States, have them, and their rank and file of officers called attorneys, of whom must also bear witness to the right to bear arms in nullification of the attorney-client privilege in frauds, as an original source.
This includes the regulation of frauds perpetrated by licensed attorneys who have been grieved by the public and must have their right to bear arms, terminated.
The arm of the U.S. Department of Justice |
Arms are the powers of law enforcement, to protect the free States, and the right of the people to vote, without interference of election or any other forms of fraud.
The arm of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency |
These records of birth were maintained under ecclesiastic law, the Canon of chattel law, in vessels that would have the right to bear arms, you know, like ship flag on a manifests of goods.
The birth record was crucial in verifying the allodial title of the moveable chattel, or rather, who owned the person and the personae, or rather, what rights a person held in society, based upon the bipolar scale with endpoints of being free or being enslaved, based upon the concept of civil debt based in property law.
In essence, you cannot vote if you have not been granted the right to bear arms, or rather verified nationality.
Think of the right to bear arms like showing a passport, articles of incorporation, for the right to vote.
Corporations vote, too, you know.
Corporations can also hire militias, or, private armies.
![]() |
The 50 Arms of the U.S. Coat |
Coats of arms is where a bunch of landowners, granted arms under heraldry law, got together and said, "Hey, why don't we pool our powers and resources to invade stuff by putting them all bunched up into one crest and expand shores to make a bigger kingdom."
This was the time they came up with the Marquee, another vehicle in the right to the royal assent in the acquisition of the granted right to bear arms, or articles of corporation under the Marquis, the Lord of the record under Canon law of chattels, under what is known as commercial law, the Uniform Commercial Code, which is international law.
The Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed is the final arbitor of the election |
The same holds true for the quo warranto, another extraordinary writ to challenge the right to bear arms when questioning what right does one have to hold the Marque of the public office by bearing witness to the frauds of election.
There are no ethics in corporate law which is why they came up with that privatization crap of Social Impact Bonds in their social campaign of corporate responsibility policies of a corporate parent through those fake authorities in Public Private Partnerships.
"How much longer must I deal with these 'Legal Geniuses' (trademark pending)?" |
Voting rights are the rights of the people to call out fraud, under the true regulation of a society.
Agape voci.
That is why, in the calling out of frauds (a.k.a. stealin') there must always be the art of consent, the "I do" under that cyclical, perpetual, pareto optimalization, for the greater good of society contract in the children's trusts, our most precious treasures.
It is just a Rousseau thing.
It is not gold; it is the children.
"Before you are a man, you are a child."
That is why the only way to finally address the privateering of our institutions is properly address the residuals of the peculiar institution.
![]() |
The United States Arm |
If we do cite there authority, we contractually consent to play by their rules and beliefs in commercial law, which nullifies the ethical standing as a whistleblower.
In short, one calls out the frauds perpetrated upon the children's trusts.
The right to bear arms is the sister to the right to bare witness in due process, more intuitively recognized as Voting Rights.
The entire Second Amendment platform to push the industry of guns, was based upon foreign funded propaganda, that all started in the State of Michigan.
![]() |
The Michigan Arm of the Great Seal is not a sewer hole. (I am lifting the seal to expose the crap) |
AN ACT to adopt and prescribe the design of a state coat-of-arms and state flag, and their use; to prohibit the use of the same for advertising purposes; to prescribe standards for the manufacture, sale, and display of certain flags of the United States and the state flag; and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials.
History: 1911, Act 209, Eff. Aug. 1, 1911 ;-- Am. 2012, Act 167, Imd. Eff. June 14, 2012
© 2017 Legislative Council, State of Michigan <===where do they always copyright public law?
Document | Type | Description |
Section 2.21 | Section | State coat-of-arms; adoption. |
Section 2.22 | Section | State coat-of-arms; emblazonment. |
Section 2.22a | Section | Purchase of United States or state flag; manufacture; applicability to local units of government. |
Section 2.23 | Section | State flag. |
Section 2.24 | Section | Governor's flag. |
Section 2.25 | Section | State coat-of-arms; where hung. |
Section 2.26 | Section | State coat-of-arms; use on official letterheads and documents. |
Section 2.27 | Section | United States flag, state flag; display, expense payment. |
All I am doing right now is sharpening my nails for Laurence Tribe and Janet Napolitano.
Bring it on, Boo Boos.
The moral of the story, once again, "Do not be mean to my Sweetie. Period."
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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