No one really knows how much is being laundered through the expansive networks of the Children's Trust Funds because they are foreign corporations to fund what is called "Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention" (a.k.a. child welfare propaganda) to solicit more tax exempt funding to fund social media campaigns to cover up Medicaid fraud in child welfare.
I just thought it prudent to provide a bit more of the history of Children's Trust Funds and the propaganda it cranks out.
The following video is the first in the launch of the tax contribution campaign on annual personal income tax returns, despite having the highest rates of concentrated poverty in North America.
The Children's Trust Fund of Michigan (CTF) is an independent, nonprofit organization created by Public Act 250 of 1982 as the only permanent source of funding for the statewide prevention of child abuse and neglect. This TV commercial was created to promote the state income tax check off campaign Children's Trust Fund is involved in.
Tax Campaign A major fundraiser for the CTF is the ability for individuals to contribute while filing their annual state income tax. Individuals can donate by noting their intention to contribute on line 22 of the MI-1040 tax form, and then designating the CTF as their charity of choice by completing tax form 4642. All contributions through the income tax campaign are transferred to CTF to support prevention efforts throughout Michigan.
Steve "needs to be formally extracted from society" Yager |
Steve Yager 2017 Award Recipient Steve Yager is the former Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Children’s Services Agency. Steve was a hardworking, knowledgeable and dedicated director. Under Steve’s leadership, the value of the Children’s Trust Fund (CTF) prevention mission was strengthened making the CTF a critical piece in the full continuum of children’s services. It was through both Steve’s creative problem solving and leadership that the CTF is now able to leverage new funding to support our prevention mission. His efforts were instrumental in establishing CTF as a model public-private partnership that creatively blends sources of support to expand prevention efforts throughout Michigan.,4554,7-196-40188-137311--,00.html
Tax Campaign A major fundraiser for the CTF is the ability for individuals to contribute while filing their annual state income tax. Individuals can donate by noting their intention to contribute on line 22 of the MI-1040 tax form, and then designating the CTF as their charity of choice by completing tax form 4642. All contributions through the income tax campaign are transferred to CTF to support prevention efforts throughout Michigan.
The Children with Special Needs Fund (CSN Fund)

The original Pardee stock was sold in 1997 and used to purchase U.S. Treasury Notes. Although the CSN Fund still receives contributions from individuals, corporations, and businesses, the assets purchased with the earnings of the Pardee stock remain the largest part of the CSN Fund. In 2017, the Michigan State legislature passed HB 5748 to allow the state treasurer to invest the assets of the Fund more broadly to promote growth of the investments.
The name of the Fund has changed over the years. It was originally called the Crippled Children's Fund before the name was changed to Trust Fund for Children. In 2002 it became Children with Special Needs Fund (CSN Fund).
I can not find the fund. Can you believe it? You should have expected it. Perhaps, we should ask Bill Schuette if he inherited the CSN Fund responsibilities.
Not one penny goes to the children as it is a foreign corporation and Medicaid pays for the special needs.
The children who are placed under the aegis of the state are considered property under chattel law, where, under the Public Private Partnership trend, the privatized contracted child placing agency becomes the corporate parent where all assets of the child are forfeited, which includes Medicaid and any other claims from the Social Security Trust Fund.
There is even a Michigan Children's Institute Fund
The name of the Fund has changed over the years. It was originally called the Crippled Children's Fund before the name was changed to Trust Fund for Children. In 2002 it became Children with Special Needs Fund (CSN Fund).
I can not find the fund. Can you believe it? You should have expected it. Perhaps, we should ask Bill Schuette if he inherited the CSN Fund responsibilities.
333.5861 Receiving and holding title to property; property as trust fund; disposition of property; children with special needs fund; minimum balance.Sec. 5861.
(1) The department may receive and hold title to real and personal property by gift, devise, bequest, and conveyance to be used for the purpose of carrying out this part. The property accepted must be held and used as a trust fund for the purposes for which received. The department promptly shall send the money, securities, or like personal property received to the department of treasury to be credited to the fund of this state designated by the donor or the department. The income from securities must be sent promptly to the department of treasury to be credited to the fund designated and must be likewise disbursed.
(2) The children with special needs fund that operates under this section shall maintain a minimum balance of $18,000,000.00. If the balance of the children with special needs fund is less than $18,000,000.00, no money shall be expended from that fund until the balance of the fund exceeds $18,000,000.00.
History: 1978, Act 368, Eff. Sept. 30, 1978 ;-- Am. 2016, Act 427, Eff. Apr. 4, 2017 Popular Name: Act 368
Not one penny goes to the children as it is a foreign corporation and Medicaid pays for the special needs.
The children who are placed under the aegis of the state are considered property under chattel law, where, under the Public Private Partnership trend, the privatized contracted child placing agency becomes the corporate parent where all assets of the child are forfeited, which includes Medicaid and any other claims from the Social Security Trust Fund.
There is even a Michigan Children's Institute Fund
[O]perate as the state chapters for Prevent Child Abuse America and the National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds.The National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds started in Michigan, is incorporated in Kansas as a foreign corporation under UCC.
When you donate to the Children's Trust Fund on Form 4642 of your State of Michigan taxes, your contribution supports programs like the Alpena CAN Team in Alpena and Presque Isle Counties.— Michigan CTF (@CTF_Michigan) January 6, 2019
Michigan Childrens Trust Fu... by on Scribd
It always starts with the children because no one cares and this is a multi-trillion dollar network.
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